"Затръби и четвъртият Ангел, и биде ударена третата част от слънцето, третата част от месечината и третата част от звездите, за да потъмнее третата им част, та третата част на деня, както и на нощта, да не свети."
Откровение на Свети Йоан 8:12
На тази страница реших да събера всички важни данни за отровите, с които те ни засипват от небето. Наричат ги chemtrails, химтрейлы, кемтрейлс, химтрейли, химически следи, аерозолни отрови и как ли не още. Това е най-мащабният и всеобхватен проект за унищожаването на човечеството. И твърде успешен за съжаление.
Защото, ако досега те тровеха душите на хората с фалшиви религии, разумът им с фалшиви теории и сърцата с фалшиви идеали, проектът им за "геоинженерство" е план за унищожение на природата като цяло и чрез това на човечеството като такова. Това е престъпление срещу планетата земя, срещу Творението на Твореца. Тези слуги на сатаната трябва да бъдат спрени при Армагедон. А времето му вече идва.
"Аз се моля тези пилоти, които пръскат с това опасно вещество да разберат, че те унищожават живота и здравето на техните семейства."
д-р Ръсел Л. Блейлок,
професор биолог в университета Belhaven
"Какво не е наред с пилотите, които летят с тези самолети? И изхвърлят този боклук, тази отрова върху своите собствени семейства?"
Тед Гундерсън
бивш високопоставен служител на ФБР в Калифорния и Тексас
Ето и един относително пълен списък с официални документи от държавни институции на САЩ по въпросите на геоинженерството, което уж било измислица на конспиролозите....
И докато чакаме управляващите да си свършат работата, за която сме ги избрали - да защитават страната ни, спазвайки Конституцията и законите, да им опресним паметта с едно видео на Кристен Меган, бивша служителка на ВВС на САЩ за аерозолните отрови.
По темата за пръсканията с аерозолни отрови от небесата вижте повече тук.
Убийството на света
Убийството на България
Опровержителите на "конспирацията кемтрейлс" - ІІ-та част
Опровержителите на "конспирацията кемтрейлс" - ІІІ-та част
Поредната отровна атака над София 30 май 2015 г.
Какво пръскат самолетите над София през април - май 2015 г.
И военен пилот проговори за химическите отрови:
Това е изявлението му на английски:
"December 08, 2014
“First of all I would like to say that I do not agree with my
mission assignments, but what soldier ever truly does? Several of us have
considered bucking the ranks, and going AWOL from time to time. We are
kept in the dark when it comes to getting honest answers about what we are
really spraying. Should they discover that we or our families are actively
enquiring about the so-called ‘chemtrails’ term, then automatic and swift
disciplinary action would be taken.
HAARP and radar are two other
non-allowed research subjects. Unless our children are learning about these in
base schools, we cannot educate ourselves or our children through any public
education system. I would not intentionally spray my children or family
with toxic aerosols, but as you must know, perhaps 80% of the pilots do not
have any family or children.
Indigo pilots are chosen from
top ranks within the Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard. Most
of the pilots are ‘hardened to humanity’ and could care less killing off
unwanted or leaching aspects of America and the world. I swear to
you, the majority of the pilots are like machines, I call them “Tanker
I should not be telling you
this, but nearly 1/3 of all flights are being orchestrated from small
unnamed islands, where newly constructed bases are being built at a rate of 8
per year. On these extremely remote islands there are HAARP rays
of every possible design, with many arrays surrounding these islands
within the depths of the ocean itself. The Navy has developed sophisticated
underwater construction technology that allows fully autonomous robot
submersibles to travel great distances, and even manufacture parts for these
massive underwater arrays as they progress across the open sea floor.
Every time that you see or hear
about military exercises at sea, they’re basically there to give support and
resupply their army of underwater robotic minions. There
is possibly one aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that. You will
never be able to Google Earth or Search any of this. Other than an occasional
error in blurring some island bases, or smudged images of
underwater arrays, it is impossible to locate all these advanced
technological devices. They even paint fake clouds over some of our island installations
to keep prying eyes away.
I have been shown some of these
images by civilian friends. That is the reason I know this. I completely
understand your concern for human safety, and here is the kicker. We
are shown videos in our training of catastrophic destruction to our homeland by
very sophisticated weapons, then told that these will be the consequences if we
don’t fly.
efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapon shield are the only missions
of its kind in the world. We are paid more than any other pilot for our
service, other than Air Force One pilots who make as much or more and are kept
in a dark, secret world for their own protection. They tell us that
secrecy is our protection, and not to listen to any public rhetoric.
We all know about cyber program flash-point or FP- 03 as
it is known within the veteran community. This program is a
self-destruct sequence that can be remotely activated from any ground, water
surface, underwater base, as well as any other air mobile unit. The signal
is encrypted through three satellites and cannot be jammed or blocked. At any
given moment you could have only 15 seconds to make your peace with your God.
They tell us that FP exists to keep planes from accidentally going down in
heavily populated areas. They can remotely detonate our planes over
safe zones, but in the back of your minds, our minds, we’re pretty sure this is
a fail-safe program to keep pilots from turning over assets to any public,
private, or civilian authorities.
Have you ever seen any member
of the crew survive the few crashes that have occurred? Every plane that has
gone down was completely destroyed … for good reason, I am sure. We risk our
lives in more ways than one, every single time we fly, especially during night
flights. They are ordering us to fly at lower and lower altitudes. We
feel like a massive “Dark Force Empire”of crop dusters, and know that one night
Bubba, or Billy Joel, will fire there long rifles at us when we spray their
moonshine-making operation, or pass over an illegal Mary Jane crop.
I know for a fact that some
planes have been shot at, and subsequently brought down by mostly Russian,
Chinese, and Korean weaponry, but the media will never cover these events as
they are not allowed to report on our flights either. That must be true, for I
have yet to see a detailed or in lengthy report of our missions on any public
venue other than conspiracy shows and anti-government websites.
I risk everything for
disclosing so much information and you will find
very few like me. Even my own flight crew would have me arrested and court
martialed if they knew of this dialogue. That is why I cannot email you
directly, but from what your cousin tells me you are also risking everything
just to get this information out to your colleagues.
I salute you sir, for standing
up to the establishment and Big Brother. I would love to go home tomorrow
and not rack up one more single minute of flight time, except for a sweet
little Piper Cub, or Rat Tail Barn Racer. I miss those beautiful blue
skies from my youth, and I am ashamed for hazing over that dream.
More importantly, maybe my
fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as well.
I only know a small fraction of the larger picture, as they compartmentalize
everything. Should I become aware of any new significant developments I
will email your cousin.
The man I have contact with
says he senses a wavering within the ranks, and that a kind of mutiny
is beginning to boil to the surface of this whole geoengineering global whitewashing, if
you catch my drift. My cousin still has friends in high places too, so he
is helping to protect the pilot.
. .
. . .
This came December 11.
Last word from the pilot and I
quote. “All pilots on leave are required to report to their CO by Dec 15th
for special training operations, to qualify for Indigo Phase 2 flights,
expected to be initiated by January 21.”
Those were his words, not the
actual Air Force message. He wanted me to stress that. He believes that
the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of California
and Texas, in order to advance the drought further into the heartland; plus,
he feels that a very new and extremely toxic chemtrail mix is going to be
sprayed, using new technology that makes thesespecial chemtrails
completely invisible. “Atmosphere shield of protection”, he doesn’t believe
that either. So that is the end of the message from this chemtrail pilot.
From my own experience I’ve had
a lot of contact with this guy for six months via the Internet, and basically
everything he told me has turned out to be true, so I have no reason to doubt
any of this, and hope you forward it.
This also points out how
difficult it is to fight this program because people inside the program are not
subject to public opinion or exposed to public information sources.
Therefore, we need to brainstorm and come up with the way to shut
down this program, as it is actually heating the planet, and
killing everything with elevated UV rays, and toxic metals.
Thank you for listening.
Това е изявлението му на английски:
"December 08, 2014
“First of all I would like to say that I do not agree with my
mission assignments, but what soldier ever truly does? Several of us have
considered bucking the ranks, and going AWOL from time to time. We are
kept in the dark when it comes to getting honest answers about what we are
really spraying. Should they discover that we or our families are actively
enquiring about the so-called ‘chemtrails’ term, then automatic and swift
disciplinary action would be taken.
HAARP and radar are two other
non-allowed research subjects. Unless our children are learning about these in
base schools, we cannot educate ourselves or our children through any public
education system. I would not intentionally spray my children or family
with toxic aerosols, but as you must know, perhaps 80% of the pilots do not
have any family or children.
Indigo pilots are chosen from
top ranks within the Air Force, Navy, and Coast Guard. Most
of the pilots are ‘hardened to humanity’ and could care less killing off
unwanted or leaching aspects of America and the world. I swear to
you, the majority of the pilots are like machines, I call them “Tanker
I should not be telling you
this, but nearly 1/3 of all flights are being orchestrated from small
unnamed islands, where newly constructed bases are being built at a rate of 8
per year. On these extremely remote islands there are HAARP rays
of every possible design, with many arrays surrounding these islands
within the depths of the ocean itself. The Navy has developed sophisticated
underwater construction technology that allows fully autonomous robot
submersibles to travel great distances, and even manufacture parts for these
massive underwater arrays as they progress across the open sea floor.
Every time that you see or hear
about military exercises at sea, they’re basically there to give support and
resupply their army of underwater robotic minions. There
is possibly one aquatic robot per plane, and will soon be double that. You will
never be able to Google Earth or Search any of this. Other than an occasional
error in blurring some island bases, or smudged images of
underwater arrays, it is impossible to locate all these advanced
technological devices. They even paint fake clouds over some of our island installations
to keep prying eyes away.
I have been shown some of these
images by civilian friends. That is the reason I know this. I completely
understand your concern for human safety, and here is the kicker. We
are shown videos in our training of catastrophic destruction to our homeland by
very sophisticated weapons, then told that these will be the consequences if we
don’t fly.
Our efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapon shield are the only missions of its kind in the world. We are paid more than any other pilot for our service, other than Air Force One pilots who make as much or more and are kept in a dark, secret world for their own protection. They tell us that secrecy is our protection, and not to listen to any public rhetoric.
We all know about cyber program flash-point or FP- 03 as it is known within the veteran community. This program is a self-destruct sequence that can be remotely activated from any ground, water surface, underwater base, as well as any other air mobile unit. The signal is encrypted through three satellites and cannot be jammed or blocked. At any given moment you could have only 15 seconds to make your peace with your God. They tell us that FP exists to keep planes from accidentally going down in heavily populated areas. They can remotely detonate our planes over safe zones, but in the back of your minds, our minds, we’re pretty sure this is a fail-safe program to keep pilots from turning over assets to any public, private, or civilian authorities.
Our efforts in building a defensive atmospheric weapon shield are the only missions of its kind in the world. We are paid more than any other pilot for our service, other than Air Force One pilots who make as much or more and are kept in a dark, secret world for their own protection. They tell us that secrecy is our protection, and not to listen to any public rhetoric.
We all know about cyber program flash-point or FP- 03 as it is known within the veteran community. This program is a self-destruct sequence that can be remotely activated from any ground, water surface, underwater base, as well as any other air mobile unit. The signal is encrypted through three satellites and cannot be jammed or blocked. At any given moment you could have only 15 seconds to make your peace with your God. They tell us that FP exists to keep planes from accidentally going down in heavily populated areas. They can remotely detonate our planes over safe zones, but in the back of your minds, our minds, we’re pretty sure this is a fail-safe program to keep pilots from turning over assets to any public, private, or civilian authorities.
Have you ever seen any member
of the crew survive the few crashes that have occurred? Every plane that has
gone down was completely destroyed … for good reason, I am sure. We risk our
lives in more ways than one, every single time we fly, especially during night
flights. They are ordering us to fly at lower and lower altitudes. We
feel like a massive “Dark Force Empire”of crop dusters, and know that one night
Bubba, or Billy Joel, will fire there long rifles at us when we spray their
moonshine-making operation, or pass over an illegal Mary Jane crop.
I know for a fact that some
planes have been shot at, and subsequently brought down by mostly Russian,
Chinese, and Korean weaponry, but the media will never cover these events as
they are not allowed to report on our flights either. That must be true, for I
have yet to see a detailed or in lengthy report of our missions on any public
venue other than conspiracy shows and anti-government websites.
I risk everything for
disclosing so much information and you will find
very few like me. Even my own flight crew would have me arrested and court
martialed if they knew of this dialogue. That is why I cannot email you
directly, but from what your cousin tells me you are also risking everything
just to get this information out to your colleagues.
I salute you sir, for standing
up to the establishment and Big Brother. I would love to go home tomorrow
and not rack up one more single minute of flight time, except for a sweet
little Piper Cub, or Rat Tail Barn Racer. I miss those beautiful blue
skies from my youth, and I am ashamed for hazing over that dream.
More importantly, maybe my
fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as well.
I only know a small fraction of the larger picture, as they compartmentalize
everything. Should I become aware of any new significant developments I
will email your cousin.
The man I have contact with
says he senses a wavering within the ranks, and that a kind of mutiny
is beginning to boil to the surface of this whole geoengineering global whitewashing, if
you catch my drift. My cousin still has friends in high places too, so he
is helping to protect the pilot.
. .
. . .
This came December 11.
Last word from the pilot and I
quote. “All pilots on leave are required to report to their CO by Dec 15th
for special training operations, to qualify for Indigo Phase 2 flights,
expected to be initiated by January 21.”
Those were his words, not the
actual Air Force message. He wanted me to stress that. He believes that
the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of California
and Texas, in order to advance the drought further into the heartland; plus,
he feels that a very new and extremely toxic chemtrail mix is going to be
sprayed, using new technology that makes thesespecial chemtrails
completely invisible. “Atmosphere shield of protection”, he doesn’t believe
that either. So that is the end of the message from this chemtrail pilot.
From my own experience I’ve had
a lot of contact with this guy for six months via the Internet, and basically
everything he told me has turned out to be true, so I have no reason to doubt
any of this, and hope you forward it.
This also points out how
difficult it is to fight this program because people inside the program are not
subject to public opinion or exposed to public information sources.
Therefore, we need to brainstorm and come up with the way to shut
down this program, as it is actually heating the planet, and
killing everything with elevated UV rays, and toxic metals.
Thank you for listening.